
Frequently Asked Questions<\/h1><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>

Odor Solution without the Pollution<\/h1><\/div>

Don\u2019t mask pet odors, remove them.<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>\n

Skip To:<\/strong><\/h3><\/div>
General FAQs<\/span><\/i><\/a><\/div>
Product FAQs<\/span><\/i><\/a><\/div>
Service FAQs<\/span><\/i><\/a><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>

General FAQs<\/h1><\/div><\/div><\/div>

I need to clean indoor artificial grass, how do I do that?<\/h3><\/div>

Cleaning indoor artificial grass is a little different in its application, but the concept is the same. Customers that use our products indoors will use a pump sprayer so they do not over-saturate the artificial grass. Often indoor applications do not have the drainage to allow for the use of a hose. Because our BioS+ products come in a concentrated version you can mix some in a bottle sprayer and target specific spots that need focused cleaning treatments.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Does vinegar work to remove the smell?<\/h3><\/div>

No, we don\u2019t know how or why this urban legend has gained momentum. We also do not recommend the use of bleach or any other chemical as these products can be dangerous to your pets and to your family. This recommendation was created prior to the creation of our product and this was simply because there were no other solutions but to mask the odor.<\/p>\n<\/div>

I want to ship to Hawaii, how do I do that?<\/h3><\/div>

You can visit www.shiptohawaii.com and they can help save you a lot of money in shipping costs.<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div>

How long before I can use my turf again?<\/h3><\/div>

After you apply our TurFresh\u2122 product or after we perform our services to your artificial grass surface, you can use your artificial grass or surface immediately after you apply TurFresh\u2122 BioS+. There is no need to wait since all our products are safe for kids and pets.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Do we ship to Canada or Australia?<\/h3><\/div>

We do ship to Canada or Australia but these orders must be called in or sent via email. In your email, please provide us with your specific shipping address and we will return your email with pricing. With out-of-country shipments, we highly recommend the Super Concentrate<\/a> as you can dilute the product with water yourself and save money on delivery costs.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Why is shipping so much for TurFill?<\/h3><\/div>

Simply because of the weight. All of our shipping costs are based on weight.<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div>

I bought TurFresh\u2122 and it seems to not work the way that I thought it would. What should I do?<\/h3><\/div>

Our product is the #1 product for cleaning and treating artificial turf odor, TurFresh completely deodorizes and removes pet urine odor and feces bacteria, however, while rare, we occasionally receive feedback from a client claiming that the product is not working at an optimum level or the odor comes back within a few days. All of our testing over the years, as well as onsite applications and customer service satisfaction surveys have demonstrated to us that TurFresh works wonders and completely eliminates the foul turf odor. Sometimes there are variables that contribute to cleaning artificial turf challenging. Please be advised that every single one of these challenges has been presented to us in person and we have resolved them. Feel free to email or call us and we will be more than happy to assist you with any questions.<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div>

These jobs required additional elbow grease to treat and eliminate the smell of urine:<\/h3><\/div>\n
The volume of Urine or Pooping is excessive (multiple dogs). Typically, this will be experienced by doggy daycare centers. I continue to use so much of your product.<\/td>\nWe offer our products in larger volumes at a discount, but there are a few steps to be sure to take during the cleaning process: During the TurFresh application, include frequent water saturation and use of a pressure hose to decompact potential hair and sediment buildup.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
The product was applied during hot weather and does not seem to be as effective.<\/td>\nEnsure that our product is applied during the evenings or early mornings which will allow the BioS+ technology to maximize its effectiveness. Do not apply in the hot sun or without cooling down your turf with water.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Artificial turf was placed on dirt without a sub-base. This is an installation that is not to manufacturer specification and if your artificial turf does not drain correctly, the urine will typically saturate into the compacted soil and our cleaner cannot or will not penetrate the soil enough for treatment.<\/td>\nRemove turf and 3\u2033 of dirt. Replace with a sub-base and compact accordingly. If you remove the turf to remedy this situation, add several more drains. You may want to add TurFill on top of your base to take a more aggressive approach to your odor prevention and removal.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Sand is used as an infill. The sand is absorbing too much urine and compacts very easily.<\/td>\nRemove all the sand with a shop vacuum and replace the infill with TurFill or an antimicrobial coated silica sand. Sand is not an ideal option for a pet application. Sand absorbs and holds too much moisture and dog hair will prevent proper drainage, resulting in lingering odors.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Turf has not been de-compacted or aerated.<\/td>\nUse a pressure washer to completely de-compact infill and also clean the turf backing of any contaminants. The method that we recommend is using a pressure washer with a surface sweeper. A turf brush or our TurfComb will also help with decompaction.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
DrainCore and a weed sheet was installed to assist with the drainage.<\/td>\nWe have not had a lot of positive experiences with customers who have installed a drain core and a weed sheet. Unless the appropriate amount of water is used to push the urine into the drainage system on a continual basis, the urine will tend to pool on the plastic barrier, making the problem more challenging to rectify. You may also not have enough drains installed to properly flush the system.<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>

Product FAQs<\/h1><\/div><\/div><\/div>

Where can I buy your products?<\/h3><\/div>

You can buy our TurFresh and TurFill products directly from our website<\/a>.<\/p>\n<\/div>


Is TurFresh\u2122 harmful to humans or pets?<\/h3><\/div>

TurFresh\u2122 is made with all-naturally occurring bacteria and there are no genetically modified organisms (GMO) in our products. TurFresh\u2122 is completely safe for people who use the product, safe for animals and pets, safe for the environment, and safe for aquatic life. We do recommend taking common-sense safety precautions and keeping the product away from children.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Can I use TurFresh BioS+ to treat nasty smelling odors that are not pet-related?<\/h3><\/div>

Absolutely! We recommend using our product on any odor, organic or non-organic which includes feces, vomit, sweat, urine. TurFresh is safe to be used on your child\u2019s gym bags, baby\u2019s diaper pail, fishing boat gear, or anything you can think of.<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div>

Is TurFresh\u2122 a true \u201cGreen Product\u201d?<\/h3><\/div>

Yes. TurFresh\u2122 is an all-natural microbial enzymatic artificial grass cleaner that provides cleaning and odor control by consuming and degrading the waste that causes the odors. The residue left behind is simply a small amount of carbon dioxide and water, which will evaporate, leaving your grass surface and infill odor-free.<\/p>\n

Since TurFresh\u2122 turf cleaning microbes are so efficient at consuming and degrading organic waste, they will out-compete the harmful pet bacteria on the surface, causing them to die. The only residues left are completely safe for humans and pets.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Is TurFresh\u2122 with BioS+ safe and has it been tested?<\/h3><\/div>

TurFresh\u2122 is manufactured in a facility with very tight controls and stringent tests are incorporated into the production process to ensure that our products are manufactured to the highest quality standards.<\/p>\n<\/div>

When can my pets or kids use artificial grass?<\/h3><\/div>

After you apply our TurFresh\u2122 product to your artificial grass surface, you can use your artificial grass or surface immediately after you apply TurFresh\u2122 BioS+. The turf will be wet, so we recommend caution for a slippery surface, but TurFresh BioS+ is safe to use with kids & pets. After your initial application, the enzymes are working hard. If you are having a party or have kids or pets that want to play go right ahead. There is no need to wait since our product is clean, green, and smells great!!<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div>

On the BioSiphon Sprayer, there is a tab that looks like it blocks the turn crank from opening completely. Did I get a defective sprayer?<\/h3><\/div>

While it may visually look like the crank won\u2019t turn, once you equip your hose with the sprayer and turn on the water, the pressure created will release the crank to turn which will dispense the TurFresh product. View this video to see how it works:<\/p>\n<\/div>

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