How Do I Stop My AstroTurf from Smelling?

How do I stop my AstroTurf from smelling? If you have recently invested in synthetic grass, also often referred to as fake lawn or fake grass, you may be asking yourself a number of questions like this. After all, nobody wants to have to deal with a smelly odor when spending time soaking up the sunshine outside!

The good news is that cleaning synthetic lawn or AstroTurf is quite simple indeed. All that you need is the right artificial turf cleaner and some extra time each week to perform a bit of regular maintenance.


The secret to keeping unpleasant smells at bay lies in maintaining your artificial lawn on a regular basis. Rest assured that it will only take you a few minutes! For example, if you have pets and they poop on the grass, remove it and hose the area down to get rid of any residue. Rinsing the artificial turf also helps to remove dirt and pollen build-up.


To deodorize your artificial grass, you will need artificial grass cleaner that has been designed specifically for this purpose. Here at TurFresh, we offer professional turf cleaning services using our proprietary BioTurf BioS+ solution. BioTurf with BioS+ turf cleaning enzyme technology is the synthetic turf industry leader in odor treatment and odor prevention caused by pet urine and feces.

No need to worry any longer about how to stop your AstroTurf from smelling. Now you know exactly how to keep it in tip-top condition and smelling incredible, regardless of whether or not you have pets. For more information about professional turf cleaning services in your area, be sure to get in touch with TurFresh today.

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