The TurFresh 10-Point Cleaning Process

One of the greatest benefits of artificial grass lawns is that they have much lower maintenance requirements than natural sod grass. However, just like how your car needs to be washed or your carpets vacuumed, synthetic turf will eventually need to be cleaned. Fortunately, TurFresh is a full-spectrum artificial grass cleaning service that’s been serving Los Angeles and the rest of southern California since 1999. At TurFresh, we use a specialized 10-point process for our turf cleaning service to restore the fresh appearance of your artificial grass lawn. 

1. Artificial Turf Reblooming

Our first step is to rebloom the turf with a specialized groomer that lifts the turf blades without damaging them. Turf reblooming is critical for both aesthetic and maintenance reasons. For one thing, artificial grass looks far better when it is standing on end rather than when it is matted down or flattened. In addition, the turf reblooming process helps remove contaminated infill, debris, and other objects that impede drainage. 

2. De-compacting Infill to Improve Drainage

During the process of turf reblooming, the turf’s infill will also be de-compacted and loosened to improve the lawn’s drainage. In extreme cases, we can also apply TurFlush, which uses a pressure washer to break up compacted infill and flush out contaminants without damaging the lawn. 

3. Pet Hair Removal to Improve Drainage

Shed pet hair can be one of the greatest contaminants in synthetic turf, especially for dog kennels or the homes of pet owners. Pet hair is also very difficult to spot in between the blades of synthetic turf, making the issue seem less significant than it actually is. However, by applying more pressure with our turf groomer, we can dig up and displace pet hair so that it can be easily brushed or swept away. This prevents it from impeding drainage or spreading unpleasant odors. 

4. Edges Tucked to Original Condition 

Over time, the edges of an artificial grass lawn can start to lift and displace, letting in sediment and debris under the lawn and posing a potential tripping hazard. During the cleaning process, we’ll tuck any lifted edges back into place, restoring your lawn’s structural integrity.

5. Magnet Sweep to Remove Dangerous Metal

This is a step we typically only need to perform for athletic facilities and school sports fields, but it is available for private homeowners as well if they desire it. We run a large cleaning magnet over the turf to attract and pick up metal objects that can pose a danger to those using the field. We’ll remove all screws, pins, or needles that could be lurking in your artificial grass.

6. Re-attach Raised Seams 

Similar to the edges of the turf, the seams of the lawn can detach and start to lift up from each other. Re-attaching these raised seams is a rather simple repair and one we can perform as part of our standard turf cleaning service.


7. Remove Weeds to Enhance Yard’s Appearance

While weeds can’t sprout up from artificial turf itself, they can find a home in any erosion or sediment that builds up along the edges of the lawn. During the cleaning process, we’ll pull up these weeds. However, we don’t apply weed killer in order to avoid putting your pets and children at risk. 

8. Minor Repairs to Keep Turf in Tip-Top Shape

For an additional fee, TurFresh can perform minor repairs to keep your synthetic turf lawn looking great. This can include replacing burn spots, rips, or areas that have seen extensive wear and tear from lawn equipment. 

9. Add TurFill to Keep Your Yard Smelling Fresh 

To replace infill, we add our TurFill product to the lawn and evenly distribute it over the surface of the synthetic turf. TurFill acts as a natural filter for pet urine, neutralizing the ammonia smell and preventing new odors from forming. 

10. Application of TurFresh to Remove Contaminants 

Lastly, we apply our proprietary TurFresh bacteria-fighting cleaner and deodorizer. Not only does this product help your lawn stay smelling fresh, but it will also help keep your family and pets healthy by preventing the spread of germs. 

If you’re looking for a trustworthy artificial grass cleaning service in Los Angeles, look no further than TurFresh. Our turf cleaning service has been leaving customers happy and satisfied for over 20 years, and our 10-point cleaning process ensures a thoroughly rejuvenated lawn after every job. Call us today at (210)428-6959, and we can tell you more about our cleaning services and products. We can also schedule a cleaning appointment at your earliest convenience.

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