Proper Artificial Turf Maintenance to Get Rid of Pests

Artificial grass is a popular landscaping solution for homeowners in San Diego, Las Vegas, and Phoenix, thanks to its low-maintenance properties. In addition to having significantly fewer weeds and less pollen than natural grass, turf also hosts much fewer bugs. Since synthetic grass is drier than natural grass and has no soil to offer shelter to these creatures, it’s a much less hospitable climate for them. However, bugs and fleas can still live in artificial grass in certain circumstances. To best prevent pests from taking over your artificial grass lawn, follow these simple synthetic turf maintenance steps.

Keep Food & Drinks Away

If there’s one thing that will attract bugs, it’s food. Food crumbs or drink spills on your artificial turf lawn will almost inevitably attract ants and other pests, encouraging them to settle down into your artificial grass and wait for more food. Keeping food and drinks away from your lawn in the first place is the best way to prevent this, but cleaning your lawn after a barbecue or party will also help prevent an infestation.

Sweep away Debris

Bugs love warm, damp climates. Although you may not think that debris in your yard plays a factor in this, fallen leaves and twigs can create the perfect breeding ground for pests, as they trap moisture and bacteria. Over time, the decomposing leaves and debris will rot and create the ultimate insect paradise. To prevent this, all you need to do is sweep up debris from your synthetic grass lawn regularly. When you notice leaves, twigs, and other debris falling over your lawn, simply rake them up and dispose of them using a turf grooming tool safe for synthetic grass. TurFresh’s TurfComb is an excellent choice because it’s made with turf-safe polypropylene bristles that are strong enough to penetrate the lawn but gentle enough to avoid damaging your turf blades.

Rinse Your Artificial Turf Lawn Regularly

Rinsing your synthetic grass lawn with a standard garden hose is a quick and effective way to both rid your turf of existing bugs and prevent future bugs from making themselves at home. By washing away microbes, bacteria, and existing bugs and fleas, you can create a more unfavorable landscape for any pests looking for a home. With turf’s efficient drainage, your lawn will be dry again in no time.

Check Your Drainage

Since bugs love warm, wet climates, keeping your lawn as dry as possible will help prevent pests from nesting there. If you notice that your lawn remains moist for long periods or has pooling water, check your drainage to ensure it’s working as effectively as possible. Any obstructions or issues that prevent proper drainage could create moisture that attracts mosquitoes and other bugs. A professional synthetic turf maintenance service like TurFresh can remove any drainage obstructions and ensure it’s functioning optimally.

Keep Your Dog Flea-Free

Although fleas cannot survive for very long on clean turf, your dog may still bring in fleas from other outdoor areas and transfer them to your lawn. Ensure that you check your dog for fleas regularly and apply anti-flea and tick medication monthly or as recommended by your veterinarian. If you notice fleas on your dog, try to identify where they may have picked up the fleas and avoid taking them there in the future. Vigilance in this regard can help save your pet and your lawn from the nuisance of pests.

If you have bugs and pests in your artificial grass that you need taken care of, trust the synthetic turf maintenance professionals at TurFresh. Whether you have a home or a small business, we have a turf maintenance service that works for everyone. Give us a call today at (210)428-6959 to learn more or to book your first appointment. If you want to try synthetic grass maintenance for yourself, you can visit our online store for a wide range of turf cleaning products that are specially created for artificial grass, including our famous and best-selling TurFresh BioS+ turf deodorizer. At TurFresh, we have everything you need to keep pests at bay.

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