Essential Tips To Stop Your Dog From Eating Turf

Installing an artificial grass lawn on your residential or commercial property comes with a transition period for everyone involved. It will take a while to fully remember that you no longer need to water, mow, or perform other maintenance tasks on your artificial grass lawn – and of course, you’ll also need to adjust to having luscious greenery on your property year-round. More importantly, your furry friends will also need to adjust to having a new synthetic grass lawn. Some dogs take to artificial grass right away, while others need time to adjust to the new substance. 

Perhaps the biggest challenge pet owners face is when their dogs chew on their synthetic grass. While synthetic turf is durable, this sort of behavior can eventually cause damage to your synthetic turf landscaping investment. Additionally, since artificial turf is not dog food, you do not want your dogs to consume it. Today, we’ll be going over some helpful tips to help prevent your dog from eating artificial grass. 

Use Traditional Dog Training Methods

In general, the best way to address adverse dog behavior is with traditional training techniques. In this case, you’ll need to spend time with your dog around the turf in order to teach them not to eat it.

After you’ve installed your new synthetic turf lawn, go outside with your dog. Reprimand them when they chew on the synthetic turf; if they behave properly, reward them with a treat. If you are able to communicate consistently and make your expectations clear, your dog will learn to stop consuming your synthetic turf. 

Try to Contain the Issue

When using traditional dog training methods, it is typically advised to separate the dog from the item(s) they are chewing on. Examples of this can include closing your closet or bathroom door, putting up a baby gate in your kitchen or kenneling your dogs when you’re at work or school or running errands. 

When it comes to artificial grass, however, containment isn’t as easy of a task. While fencing off your synthetic turf is an option, you may have to get a little more creative if you’re looking for a less time-consuming fix. Try taking your dogs for walks in the backyard, or accompany them during backyard time. This is a great way to get a little more control over the situation and implement some new training methods. Once the training sticks, they will be fine to play on the turf on their own. 

Provide Alternative Chew Toys

Dogs ultimately may chew on synthetic turf blades for two reasons – either due to digestive distress or because they are just looking for a new chew toy. Dogs use chewing as a form of stress relief and a way to play and combat boredom. Essentially, dogs like chewing, and grass (natural or artificial) is a viable option for them.

When your dog wants to turn to chewing artificial turf, provide them with a better chew toy. Some dogs even like to chew on old socks or rags. Regardless, when you find them something better to chew on, they’ll leave your artificial turf alone. 

If you find that your dog’s synthetic grass-chewing habit is digestion-related, you can plant a small section of real plants that they can chew on in place of synthetic turf. Additionally, you can also try to modify their diet to resolve any chronic issues. 

Evaluate Your Pup’s Diet

A hungry dog will chew on just about anything, synthetic grass included. Dogs do not get any type of nutrition from natural or synthetic grass – but they will still chew on whatever they can find in order to process their hunger. If your pup is able to safely consume more food, it might provide a solution to this issue. 

Tire Your Dog Out 

Oftentimes, dogs use chewing behaviors as a way to cope with boredom. With more exercise and stimulation incorporated into their routine, your dog will be too tired to spend time chewing on your synthetic turf. A whole lot of playing, walking and running can go a long way, both for your synthetic grass landscaping and the well-being of your pup.  

When it comes to keeping your synthetic turf clean of any pet debris or odors, look no further than the synthetic turf grooming experts at TurFresh. Whether you’re looking to repair any damage from your pet chewing at your synthetic turf, re-fluff your artificial grass lawn, or give your artificial grass a detailed turf cleaning, we’re confident that we can meet your needs. Plus, all of our proprietary synthetic turf maintenance products are non-toxic and all-natural, making them ideal for households with fur babies and children. 

If you’re curious about TurFresh’s professional artificial turf maintenance services or ready to book your first appointment, give us a call at 210-428-6959 or fill out our online contact form today. Visit our online store to view our full selection of at-home synthetic turf upkeep products.

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