5 Helpful Artificial Turf Maintenance Tips for Doggy Daycares

Managing a Phoenix, AZ doggy daycare can be a messy business in more ways than one. From dirt and mud to urine and waste, there are a lot of mess-causing and odor-causing incidents that are largely unavoidable. 

Many Phoenix doggy daycares and animal kennels are switching to artificial turf for their exterior landscaping so the pups can have somewhere soft and safe to run and play that won’t end up dead, brown and full of holes in just a matter of weeks. Plus, since synthetic grass eliminates the use of soil, dirt and mud are no longer a problem. 

Synthetic grass is remarkably durable, making it excellent for commercial pet facilities in Phoenix. However, it still requires periodic artificial turf maintenance to stay in its best condition. If you want to keep your commercial turf looking good, smelling fresh and in top shape for visiting customers, follow these five helpful artificial turf maintenance tips for pet-friendly homes and doggy daycares.

1. Hose down busy areas

One of the biggest challenges facing Phoenix doggy daycares is odor-causing pet urine and waste. Urine and feces contribute to bacteria growth, virus growth and mold buildup, creating foul odors and even causing your synthetic turf to break down faster.

To keep your artificial grass pristine, simply hose down the area after your pets use it to do their business. The artificial turf’s rapid drainage will help clear away any urine and ensure there is no bacteria or odor buildup. If your dog daycare or kennel has too many four-legged friends to reasonably keep track of every potty time, hose down the entire area once or twice every day — especially at the end of the day — to flush away any waste.

2. Clean after potty time

Hosing down your synthetic grass will help you fully drain away any urine and eliminate odors, but solid waste can’t be as quickly flushed through the turf backing. If your dogs mark their territory on your artificial grass, you’ll need to scoop up any solid waste and throw it away before cleaning the turf with the hose or sanitizing products.

If you fail to pick up dog feces, it may block your turf from draining properly, fostering mold and bacteria buildup and creating undesirable odors over time. By throwing away any solid waste, you’ll save time when performing the rest of your artificial turf maintenance and will help preserve the lifespan of your turf landscaping.

3. Use pet-safe synthetic grass disinfectant

Any doggy daycare manager will know that dog-related odor isn’t solely caused by waste. Having dogs constantly on the property can leave your artificial turf with a slight odor, even if you promptly clean any waste.

To eliminate any odors on your synthetic grass, no matter the cause, apply an anti-microbial pet deodorizer spray such as TurFresh BioS+. These deodorizer sprays will break down the odor-causing ammonia in pet urine and eliminate foul scents at their source. It stops bacteria growth before it starts and leaves your outdoor smelling fresh for longer.

In addition to your synthetic turf, TurFresh BioS+ can also be sprayed on concrete and other outdoor surfaces to prevent and eliminate odors anywhere in your yard. It’s also 100 percent natural, non-toxic and fully pet-safe.

4. Refresh your infill

If you notice that your synthetic grass easily retains odors from your doggy clients, you may want to consider switching out your infill. Standard infill doesn’t do much to prevent or eliminate odors, and in fact, some infills may exacerbate the problem.

Switch to a pet-friendly infill such as TurFill to help prevent and eliminate odors caused by pets. The all-natural, anti-microbial infill works similarly to TurFresh BioS+, breaking down ammonia molecules in pet urine and neutralizing odors at their source rather than simply masking them with fragrance. It’s also completely non-toxic and pet-friendly, so it’s appropriate for any application, including doggy daycares and kennels.

5. Take advance of professional turf cleaning services

If you don’t have the time or manpower to perform routine artificial grass maintenance, or if you find your lawn needs a deeper clean from time to time, invest in professional commercial artificial turf maintenance for doggy daycares and kennels.

TurFresh’s signature TurfClean commercial synthetic turf maintenance service utilizes a comprehensive 10-point cleaning process to eliminate pet odors and rejuvenate your lawn like never before. Whether you have a backyard doggy daycare or a massive commercial kennel facility, we have the tools and technicians to achieve an unparalleled deep clean that will make your turf look as good as new.

Choose from one of our scheduled turf maintenance plans, ranging from once a month to twice a year, or call us when you need us. Dogs can be unpredictable, but you can also count on TurFresh to be there for you when your turf is looking worse for wear.

If you’d like to learn more about TurFresh’s professional artificial grass maintenance services for Phoenix, AZ doggy daycares, give us a call at (210)428-6959 or fill out our online contact form today. We’d be happy to provide a free quote and book your first appointment. You can also visit our online store to view our full selection of turf deodorizers and at-home synthetic turf maintenance products.

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