10-Step Service

What You Get — Our 10-Step Artificial Turf Cleaning Service

Odor Solution Without The Pollution

Don’t mask pet odors, remove them.

What You Get – Our 10-Step Artificial Turf Cleaning Service

Check out our 10-step process video!

We will customize our 10-step service to fit your needs, but it typically includes:

1. Artificial Turf Reblooming to Keep That Natural Look

We bloom your turf systems blades to remove contaminated infill along with debris such as shrubbery, rocks, etc. Our method does not permanently lift matted turf but definitely makes a difference in appearance. Watch this video to see how we do it.

2. Turf Blade Cleaning

While we are blooming your turf blades, any calcium build-up is removed to revitalize your turf blade color and ensure that your turf continues to drain at its most optimum levels.

3. De-Compacting Infill to Improve Drainage

During the process of reblooming your artificial grass, the infill in your turf will loosen, allowing increased drainage. In extreme (and rare) cases, we apply our TurFlush system, which uses a pressure washer to flush out contaminants. *TurFlush is an additional cost.

4. Pet Hair Removal to Improve Drainage

One turf contaminant that causes a lot of problems is pet hair buildup. It is often hidden between the blades and only visible to the naked eye along the edges. We’ll remove pet hair that prevents your artificial grass from draining properly, enabling rapid growth of bacteria and unpleasant odors. Watch this video to see how we do it.

5. Edges Tucked to Original Condition*

We’ll tuck any edges that may have lifted over time or need adjustment. *Done per client request.

6. Magnet Sweep to Remove Dangerous Metal*

For school or athletic sports fields only, we use a large artificial turf cleaning magnet to remove any metal contamination such as screws, pins, or needles. *Done per client request.

7. Removal of Weeds to Enhance Turf’s Appearance

We’ll manually remove any weeds that occur due to normal erosion and sediment. We do not spray weed killer as this puts kids and pets at risk.

8. Minor Repairs to Keep Your Turf in Tip-Top Shape

We can perform any repairs outside the normal seams and edges for an additional fee.

9. Add TurFill to Keep Your Turf Smelling Fresh

We’ll apply our TurFill product that acts as a filter for the ammonia smell in pet urine, preventing any new odors from occurring. Our average service includes 100 lbs of new infill ( $100 value).

10. Application of TurFresh with BioS+ Technology to Remove Contaminants

Finally, we’ll apply our TurFresh BioS+ bacteria-fighting cleaner and deodorizer, leaving your turf smelling fresh. We use enough product to ensure that we penetrate all the way to the base layer of your turf system. We apply, on average 2 gallons of TurFresh which is typically enough to penetrate turf systems. This is another $100.00 value on our average 400 sf service.

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