Benefits of Artificial Turf for Summer Allergies

With warmer weather comes elevated pollen counts and a resulting increase in hay fever symptoms. Approximately one in six Americans suffer from grass allergies, also called hay fever, which can result in symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, stuffy nose, hives, trouble breathing, and more. If you live in the Los Angeles, Santa Ana, or San Diego areas, then you know how insufferable summer allergies can be. Luckily, artificial grass is hypoallergenic and can help keep allergies at bay when properly maintained.


Artificial grass fibers are made from hypoallergenic materials that are safe for kids and pets, so pollen allergies are reduced compared to natural grass. Synthetic turf also holds onto fewer pollen particles than natural grass does due to its short and uniform pile height, reducing your exposure to pollen and thereby reducing allergies and resulting symptoms. If you want to reduce the number of allergens found both outside and inside your home, replace the natural grass around the entry points of your home with artificial turf. 

Easy to Clean

Another way in which artificial grass reduces allergy symptoms is by remaining more sterile than natural grass. Since it’s so low-maintenance and easy to clean, artificial turf can be kept clean of pollen and other allergens much more easily. Water can reduce pollen counts, so rinse down your lawn regularly in order to keep symptoms at bay. TurFresh’s TurfClean service can also help reduce pollen counts by deep cleaning your yard for long-lasting freshness. TurFresh’s 10-point artificial grass maintenance process revitalizes every aspect of your synthetic turf installation from the blades to the infill, so you can enjoy squeaky clean landscaping that will keep your itching and sneezing away for longer than other, less effective cleaning methods. 

Good for Pets

You’ve probably noticed that summertime pollen counts can trigger allergies in you and your kids, but have you noticed that your pets are likely affected too? Both cats and dogs can suffer from pollen allergies and hay fever. Symptoms include tearing eyes, swollen eyes or nose, patches of hair loss, inflamed areas of skin, clogged sinuses, and violent scratching. Switching to artificial grass can help mitigate these symptoms and improve your pet’s quality of life. In addition, artificial turf’s low-maintenance nature makes it extremely pet-friendly since pet waste can be easily cleaned and synthetic turf blades will never turn brown. To go the extra mile, apply TurFresh BioS+ turf deodorizer for synthetic grass that smells fresh and is always safe for pets.

Although there are short-term solutions to hay fever, such as antihistamines, well-maintained artificial grass is a great long-term solution that allows you and your family to enjoy your summer allergy-free. If you’d like to find out more about our synthetic turf maintenance services and how they can help prevent summer allergies in your household, give us a call today at (213) 279-6599. We’d be happy to schedule an appointment for your first professional artificial turf cleaning service. You can also visit our online store to pick up everything you need for at-home artificial turf maintenance between TurFresh services, and remain allergy-free all summer long.

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