The Attraction to Rooftop Amenities

A big selling point for some of the most modern apartment complexes is increasingly attracting residents with impressive rooftop presentations. These fabulous features provide luxury and can set an apartment apart from neighboring facilities. Let’s take a deeper dive into these amenities, their importance, and how to ensure that you are marketing and taking care of these common areas correctly.

Some Key Features to Rooftop Areas

1. Shaded Areas: Provide comfortable shade to protect from the sun and keep people comfortable throughout the whole day.

2. Seating: Comfortable, high-quality fabric-based seating is as important as anything else you can provide in these areas. Fostering the ability to not only relax but also socialize for longer periods of time is paramount for your tenant’s experience.

3. Towel Service: This is a bit of a reach, but talk about separating yourself from the pack. Convenience for your tenants is always beloved, and they often brag about simple offerings, especially if the towels are soft.

4. Spa Services: If your facility has the space, you can find this to be a very exciting amenity. Offering a partnership with an outside vendor to offer these services will allow you to offer this without all the hassle of running a separate department.

5. Separate Doggy Turf Area: Fencing in a small area where someone can take and leave their dog and maintain visual contact is a key part of allowing clients to enjoy the facility and bring their dogs without interfering with others enjoying the property. Make sure you keep your turf clean because dogs will use it as their bathroom. This is easily performed by professional turf cleaning services in your local area.

6. Food & Drink Service: Some rooftops go above and beyond by offering food and drink service, turning the rooftop into a vibrant social hub. Even allowing some self-serve water stations can increase the usage.

7. Bathroom Facilities: Clean and convenient bathrooms and facilities so tenants don’t have to go back to their apartments are very popular features.

Marketing Rooftop Amenities

With more and more of our population renting instead of purchasing, rooftops are growing in numbers. They are critical to compete with other apartment housing options. Marketing these amenities involves more than just simple words on a website; it requires high-resolution, well-placed photography that stimulates the visual senses and the “cool” factor. Soothing fountains, misting machines, cool concrete surfaces, and artificial grass are all additional detailed features that would separate you from the competition.

Tapping Into Other Senses

While visual appeal, sound, taste, and touch are paramount, don’t overlook the often-overlooked importance of smell.

The scent of the environment can make or break a potential tenant’s impression. Ensure that your rooftop areas are free from unpleasant odors. Regular maintenance, including spraying and cleaning artificial grass, using proper chemicals in the pool, and cleaning bathrooms, is crucial to eliminate nasty odors. 

Don’t take for granted that rooftops are just another common area. Seize the opportunity to increase rent roles, tenant retention, and brand pride.

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