Tips to Avoid Damaging Your Synthetic Grass Lawn

Choosing synthetic turf over a traditional lawn helps reduce the time you need to spend on maintaining your landscape. However, this doesn’t mean that you can completely ignore your outdoor space altogether. 

Artificial lawns can still experience damage from extreme temperatures and sharp objects as well as accumulate stains from paint and other chemical products that are used around the area. Luckily, you can easily prevent premature damage to your lawn by following the few safety tips listed below.

Be Careful With Barbecues & Fire Pits

Barbecuing during summer and roasting marshmallows in the winter are some of the many ways to enjoy your outdoor space throughout the year. Fire pits and grills are also some of the most common sources of damage to your synthetic turf. 

Sparks and fly-away embers still pose the same risk of burning blades, regardless if they are artificial or the real deal. To reduce this danger, utilize a concrete or stone patio that keeps the flames from grills and fire pits away from your artificial lawn. 

Ashes and dust from grilling can also create buildup that leads to drainage issues if accidentally spilled onto your turf. If you experience any issues after hosting a barbecue or s’mores session on your turf lawn, TurFresh can help de-compact your infill and repair minor damage through our TurfClean artificial grass maintenance service.

Avoid Reflecting Sunlight

While your synthetic turf won’t brown in the sun, it can still take a hit from high temperatures. Any reflective surfaces around your yard, like energy-efficient window panes, can bounce sunlight toward your synthetic lawn. 

Over time, these hot spots can lead to fading or melting. By setting up protective shading such as umbrellas or awnings around heat-intense areas, you’ll provide cool relief for yourself and your lawn. If damage to your lawn does occur, TurFresh can help replace any faded or melted areas with our TurfSwap service.

Mind Sharp Objects

Although your synthetic grass doesn’t need trimming, other natural greenery around your yard may require tools like cutting shears and trowels. Whenever maintaining your garden, make sure that all gardening tools are properly stored after use. If dropped, these sharp objects could puncture through the fine mesh backing of your synthetic turf.

Other lawn accessories like holiday decorations, tent poles, or game nets that require sharp grounding stakes will also cause damage to your turf if carelessly installed. Some alternatives to consider are concrete blocks or sandbags that can weigh down your gear without piercing the mesh of your turf.


If you use your lawn for sports, then you may want to mark your grass for game lines. Keep in mind that water-based paints and chalks that can be easily washed away are the safest choices for your synthetic turf.

House paint and other crafting chemicals are typically used around your yard space as well. However, these products will permanently stain your synthetic grass lawn, as the color won’t grow out over time as it does with natural grass blades. Take extra precautions when using paint on your turf lawn by placing down tarps and other barriers that will protect your lawn if splashing and spillage occur.

No matter how careful you are to avoid damaging your synthetic grass lawn, accidents happen. That’s why TurFresh is here to provide you with the industry’s leading artificial turf cleaning services. Our turf maintenance services include plans that tackle daily wear and tear such as matted blades, drainage issues, or pet odors. If you experience simple wear and tear from minor incidents like kids and pets at play, TurFresh has multiple turf cleaning options at the ready. We also provide repair services such as our TurfSwap service if you need synthetic grass repairs or replacement. With TurFresh, artificial grass maintenance is always simple and hassle-free. If you’d like to learn more about our wide range of synthetic grass maintenance services, give us a call at 855-444-8873 or fill out our online contact form today.

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