Your Ultimate Guide to Removing Dog Urine Smells from Your Synthetic Grass

As a pet owner, maintaining a clean and odor-free synthetic grass lawn can be challenging. Although artificial turf is far less maintenance and more pet-friendly than natural grass, it still requires occasional cleaning and care to look and smell its best.

Whether you recently had synthetic grass installed or recently became a pet parent, it can be overwhelming to know what you need to do to properly care for your pet-friendly landscape. To help you get started, here’s our ultimate turf maintenance guide to removing dog urine smells from your synthetic grass landscaping.

Pick Up Solid Pet Waste

One of the most important steps to prevent and eliminate dog waste odors from your synthetic grass is to promptly clean up your pet’s bathroom messes. This may seem obvious, but it’s an important step that cannot be skipped.

Leaving solid waste on your synthetic grass can lead to unpleasant smells and bacteria buildup. After your pet uses the bathroom outside, pick up any solid pet waste just as you would with a natural grass lawn. Make sure to dispose of it properly and rinse down the affected area to completely flush away any remaining residue that could cause odor buildup over time.

Hose Down Your Lawn Regularly

Although you don’t need to water your lawn in the same way you do with natural grass, you are still advised to rinse it down regularly to prevent any lingering odors. Use a garden hose to spray down your lawn at least once a week, paying extra attention to areas where your pet frequently goes to the bathroom.

Rinsing down your lawn regularly will help remove any buildup of urine and bacteria, preventing odors before they have a chance to form. It will also help get rid of any accumulated dust and debris, ensuring that your turf lawn looks its best for years to come.

Prevent Odor with Antimicrobial Infill

If you own pets and want to keep your yard clean, another important aspect of artificial grass maintenance is infill. Choosing a pet-friendly, antimicrobial infill product will help keep your pets safe and your yard smelling fresh. 

TurFresh offers its own pet-safe infill product that works to neutralize odors at the chemical level. Our TurFill infill exchanges ions with odor-causing elements in pet waste, trapping the odor and preventing it from ever reaching the nose. It’s all-natural, safe for kids, and stays cooler than other infills, so your lawn will be enjoyable and odor-free.

Apply Turf Deodorizer

In addition to regular hosing and infill top-ups, turf deodorizers are another effective tool in combatting dog urine odors. Turf deodorizers are pet-safe solutions that you can use as needed to break down and eliminate odor-causing bacteria, keeping your lawn fresh.

Turf deodorizers are specially formulated to eliminate unwanted odors without causing any harm to your synthetic grass, pets, or the environment. When choosing the right turf deodorizer, make sure you choose one that specifically targets pet odors, such as TurFresh BioS+ or TurFresh BioX. Look for turf deodorizers that are designed to neutralize and break down the compounds found in pet urine, such as ammonia. These compounds are the main culprits for pet odors and can take considerable effort to eliminate if you don’t choose the right products.

Schedule Regular Synthetic Turf Cleaning Services

For a clean you can’t achieve at home, or for those with a busy lifestyle, professional artificial grass maintenance services are the way to go. These services use specialized equipment and products to deep clean your synthetic grass and remove any stubborn odors.

TurFresh’s TurfClean service is specifically designed to clean and revitalize artificial grass lawns and eliminate odors, leaving your turf looking and smelling like new in no time. With a famous 10-point process that leaves no stone unturned and a 30-day warranty to guarantee your satisfaction, you can have peace of mind that your TurFresh service will eliminate any pet urine odors lingering in your lawn.

Controlling pet odor is an issue that many homeowners struggle with, but some residents are starting to learn the secret to easy maintenance: TurFresh. We’re a leading synthetic turf maintenance provider with customizable service options for homes and businesses, as well as a comprehensive selection of proprietary turf cleaning products available on our online store. To find out more about TurFresh or to schedule a cleaning, give us a call today at 855-444-8873 or contact us online.

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