Here’s What Not To Do When Cleaning Dog Urine From Your Turf

Even if you have an incredibly well-trained dog, accidents can happen on your artificial grass! It’s natural to want to eliminate the odor and bacteria from pet urine as quickly as possible. If your next TurfClean appointment is a few days or weeks out, it’s easy to jump to DIY solutions.

There’s a few tried and tested methods for taking care of dog odors, like using TurFresh BioS+ turf disinfectant. Just make sure you avoid some of the most common mistakes people make on their turf – your lawn will thank you!

Don’t Use Vinegar To Clean Your Synthetic Grass

Some do-it-yourself blogs will recommend a mixture of vinegar and water for cleaning messes on your turf. While this gentle solution is effective for some things (like food and drink spills), it won’t do anything for the bacteria and odor in dog urine.

In fact, you might just end up with a lawn that smells like pet accident and vinegar – so we think it’s safe to say you should pass on this one.

Skip The Sand For Absorbing Moisture

The logic is solid; just like litter in a cat box, applying sand to your turf should absorb the liquid waste and eliminate the odor. 

The problem here is that there’s no good way to get the sand out from between the blades of your turf. This creates a slew of issues, but most importantly, it’ll prevent your artificial grass from draining properly. Improper drainage leads to everything from bacteria buildup to mold and mildew, which is why we strongly advise against the use of sand on your turf.

Keep Bleach Off Of Your Artificial Pet Turf

Bleach is the gold standard for killing bacteria, but it’s actually incredibly dangerous to apply to pet accidents! Pet urine contains ammonia, which is toxic when mixed with bleach. To keep you and your family safe, make sure bleach is never used on your turf!

TurFresh has the nontoxic, effective artificial grass cleaning solutions you’re looking for! No matter the size, usage or condition of your lawn, our online store has everything you need to keep it fresh, clean and plush. 

Our signature TurFresh BioS+ enzyme concentrate is the nation’s leading choice for removing pet odors and bacteria. For more information about our products and services, contact us today and discover what TurFresh can do for you!

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